
Robert Hyatt received a handwritten letter from Karan Llewellyn in which she recounts her Hyatt genealogy. Sometime around 2008 as Robert recalls she and her elderly mother visited Emily and Robert in Cherokee on a mission to find info re. Edward Hyatt's Revolutionary War records of which Robert had none. However her mother had a treasure trove of Hyatt genealogy ( perhaps the most extensive of any ) which is now in Karan's hands. 

Please click on the button below labeled "Hyatt Genealogy from Karen Llewellyn" to enjoy this handwritten letter.

We appreciate your help in keeping us informed about important news regarding any Hyatt family. Please let us know of anything of which you are aware.

Please let us know if you plan to attend this years reunion so we can be sure to have what we need.

Thank you!



​​​ ​​​NEXT REUNION AUGUST 2, 2024

​​​You can click on the tabs above and the buttons below to open the associated reunion tab or document.

This page is our web meeting place for ALL Hyatt family members -- wherever you may live. We have our reunion every year the first Saturday in August in the Qualla (Whitter, NC) community of Western North Carolina, just outside the town of Cherokee (Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians). Please write, we would love to hear from you (email links are below and you can use the contact us page). Our ancestors are first from England, and included Sir Charles Hyatt and his sons. Shoal Creek is part of the Qualla Community and is the location of our 2016-2017 president, Robert Hyatt. We're looking forward to meeting, hearing from, and sharing with YOU! If you have any pictures you would like to share please feel free to send them to: lineral@atmc.net or Alfred Liner, 14 Sunfield Dr., Carolina Shores, NC 28467.

​         Please be sure to check out the button selection on the Newsletter tab that provides memories and recollections from the past. We plan to change it periodically so check it out and let us know what you think. Also please feel free to send us some memory you have and we can include it here for others to enjoy.

         Please be sure to click on the menu items above the "The Hyatt Family" banner to access the newsletter, FAQ's, Pictures, and also to contact us. Below are our officers and  the email addresses for our President and Historian.

Victoria Hyatt Sowers (President) vsowers21@gmail..com - Fred Liner (webmaster) lineral@atmc.net; Robert Hyatt (Past President) - www.shoalcreekhyatt@aol.com​;     Vacant (Secretary)   Vice-President (vacant)​​